時間37, 38, 39
Week 1    2/15 課程簡介
Week 2    2/22 台灣南島民族誌文獻導覽
Week 3    3/1   南島民族的起源與擴散
Week 4    3/8   台灣殖民史與南島民族誌主要課題
Week 5    3/15 山田燒墾與魚獵生計
Week 6    3/22 世系、親屬與婚姻
Week 7    3/29 「屋社會」之一建築、聚落與地景
Week 8    4/5   「屋社會」之二成員與祭儀
Week 9    4/12 平權與階序
Week 10  4/19 禮物、寶物與商品
Week 11  4/26 性別
Week 12  5/3   記憶與敘事
Week 13  5/10 名制與國家
Week 14  5/17 巫與權力
Week 15  5/24 宗教變遷
Week 16  5/31 族群意識的生產與消費
Week 17  6/7   課程總結
Week 2 2/22      台灣南島民族誌文獻導覽
1974        「臨時台灣舊慣調查會」與台灣高山族研究台灣風物24 (4):9-12
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1975        日本學人之高山族研究中央研究院民族學研究所集刊40:5-18。
Week 3 3/1  南島民族的起源與擴散
Bellwood, Peter
1985       Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago, Sydney, Academic Press
        (Chapters 4,5,7)
1995        Austronesian Prehistory in Southeast Asia: Homeland, Expansion and              Transformation, in Peter Bellwood, James Fox and Darrell Tryon eds. The         Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Canberra: The           Department of Anthropology, The Australian National University
Bellwood, Peter, James Fox and Darrell Tryon
1995    The Austronesians in History: Common Origins and Diverse Transformation, in Peter Bellwood, James Fox and Darrell Tryon eds. The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Canberra: The Department of Anthropology, The Australian National University
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1995        The Austronesian Conquest of the Sea -- Upwind, in Peter Bellwood,                James Fox and Darrell Tryon eds. The Austronesians: Historical and                Comparative Perspectives, Canberra: The Department of Anthropology, The         Australian National University
2011        臺灣南島民族的族群與遷徙增訂新版第一部。臺灣前衛。
2009    從考古的證據看太平洋文化的起源與變遷童元昭編群島之洋人類學的大洋洲研究。臺灣商務。
Week 4 3/8  台灣殖民史與南島民族誌主要課題
1957        台灣番政志台灣省文獻委員會
1999    戰後台灣人類學對於台灣南島民族研究的回顧與展望人類學在台灣的發展回顧與前瞻篇徐正光、黃應貴編。台北中央研究院民族學    研究所。
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2002    Customary Laws, Kinship and Beyond: A Critical Review of the Cultural Anthropological Studies of the Austronesian People in Taiwan, in David Blundell, ed. Austronesian Taiwan: Studies of the Indigenous People Known Historically as the Formosan Aborigines. Berkelsy: The Phoebe Museum of Anthropology.
Week 5 3/15      山田燒墾與魚獵生計
Carsten, Janet
1989    Cooking Money: Gender and the Symbolic Transformation of Means of Exchange in a Malay Fishing Community, in J. Parry and M. Bloch eds. Money and the Morality of Exchange, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press【麗娟223來信】
Conlkin, Harold C.
1961        The Study of Shifting Cultivation, Current Anthropology 2(1): 27-61
Freeman, Derek
1970        Report on the Iban, London: University of London, The Athlone Press
Sather, Clifford
1995    Sea Nomads and Rainforest Hunter-Gatherers: Foraging Adaptations in the Indo-Malysian Archipelago, in The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Peter Bellwood, James J. Fox and Darrell Tryon eds. Canberra: The Australian National University.
2003        從 gaga 的多義性看泰雅族的的社會性質台灣人類學刊 1(1):77-104
1962    祖靈的庇蔭南澳泰雅族超自然信仰研究中央研究院民族學研究所集刊14:1-46
1963    南澳的泰雅人民族學田野調查語研究上、下冊中央研究院民族學研究所專刊之五、六臺北。南港
1993    作物、經濟與社會東埔社布農人的例子中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 75:133-169。
1973    從旱田到果園道澤與卡母界農業經濟變遷的調適中央研究院民族學研究所集刊36:11-34。
Week 6 3/22      世系、親屬與婚姻
Barnes, John A.
1962        "African Models in the New Guinea Highlands", Man 62: 5-9
Davenport, William
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1955        "A Problem in Malayo‑Polynesian Social Organization", in American              Anthropologist 57: 71‑83.
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1996    The Founding of the House and the Source of Life: Two Complementary Origin Structures in Buru Society, in James Fox and Clifford Sather eds. Origins, Ancestry and Alliance: Explorations in Austronesian Ethnography, Canberra: ANU
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Strathern, Andrew J.
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1958   臺灣土著社會的世系制度。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 5:1-44。
Week 7 3/29      「屋社會」之一建築、聚落與地景
Bloch, Maurice
1995    People into Places: Zafimaniry Concepts of Clarity, in Eric Hirsch and Michael O’Hanlon eds. The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Place and Space, Oxford: Clarendon Press
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1995    北部排灣族家屋的空間結構與意義黃應貴編空間、力與社會台北南港。
Week 8 4/5  「屋社會」之二成員與祭儀
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Week 9 4/12      平權與階序
Godelier, Maurice
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Week 10      4/19      禮物、寶物與商品
Thomas, Nicholas
1991   Entangled Objects: Exchange, Material Culture, and Colonialism in the Pacific, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
Weiner, Annette B.
1985    Inalienable Wealth, American Ethnologist 12(2): 210-27
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1995    文化接觸與物質文化的變遷以蘭嶼雅美族為例歷史語言研究所集刊67(1)133-166。
Week 11      4/26      性別
Errington, Shelly
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Karim, W. J.
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1998    從紡織與獵首探討太魯閣人的兩性意象與性別邏輯國立清華大學人類學研究所碩士論文未出版
1999   兩性意象蘭嶼Tao的時間觀黃應貴編時間、歷史與記憶台北中央研究院民族學研究所。
2005    性別區辨、階序與社會都蘭阿美族的小米週期儀式台灣人類學刊 3(1):143-184【中慧222來信】
Week 12      5/3  記憶與敘事
Eves, Richard
1996    Remembrance of things passed: Memory, body and the politics of feasting in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Oceania 66(4): 266-77.
Kuchler, Susanne
1988    Malangan: Objects, Sacrifice and the Production of Memory, American Ethnologist 15(4): 625-37
Lattas, Andrew
1996        Introduction: Mnemonic Regimes and Strategies of Subversion, Oceania                 66(4): 257-265【郁喬228來信】
1996    Memory, forgetting and the new tribes mission in West New Britain
Oceania 66(4): 286-304. 【郁喬228來信】
Toren, Christina
1995    Seeing the Ancestral Sites: Transformations in Fijian Notions of the Land, in Eric Hirsch and Michael O’Hanlon eds. The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Place and Space, Oxford: Clarendon Press
2002    視覺性與人類學知識的條件《考古人類學刊》第59期4-41。
2003    台灣原住民影片轉化中的文化刻寫技術《考古人類學刊》
1999        起源、老人和歷史以一個卑南族聚落對對發祥地的爭議為例黃應貴        編時間、歷史與記憶台北中央研究院民族學研究所。
2003a  過去如何被記憶與經驗以霧鹿布農人為例的研究。台灣人類學刊 1(2):83-114。【郁喬228來信】
2003b      歷史與記憶之間從大關山事件談起。台大文史哲學報 59:31-64。
Week 13      5/10      名制與國家
Arno, Andrew
1994       Personal Names as Narrative in Fiji: Politics of the Lauan Onomasticon,                Ethnolog 31:21-34
Goodenough, Ward
1965    Personal Names and Modes of Address in Two Oceanic Communities, in M. Spiro ed. Context and Meaning in Cultural Anthropology, New York: Free Press
Lindstrom, Lamont
1985    Personal Names and Social Reproduction on Tanna, Vanuatu", Jouirnal of the Polynesian Society 94:27-46
1956        台灣賽夏族的個人命名制中央研究院院刊 3: 311-340
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2005a  臺灣高地的政治體系初探以布農人為例的研究。臺灣人類學刊 3(1):185-219。
2005b  想像國家一個民族誌的研究。臺灣大學考古人類學刊 63:92-118
Week 14      5/17      巫與權力
Atkinson, J. M.
1992    Shamanisms Today, Annual Review of Anthropology 21: 307-330
Barrett, Robert J.
1993    Performance, Effectiveness and the Iban Manang, in Robert L. Winzeler ed. The Seen and the Unseen: Shamanism, Mediumship and Possession in Borneo, Williamsburg: The Borneo Research Council
Morris, H. S.
1967        Shamanism among the Oya Melanau, in Maurice Freedman ed. Social             Organization: Essays Presented to Raymond Firth, Chicago: Aldine
Thomas, Nicholas
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Winzeler, Robert L.
1993        Shaman, Priest and Spirit Mediium: Religious Specialists, Tradition and                 Innovation in Borneo, in Robert L. Winzeler ed. The Seen and the Unseen:         Shamanism, Mediumship and Possession in Borneo, Williamsburg: The          Borneo Research Council
1965    排灣族東排灣群的巫醫與巫術中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 20:105-153
雅衛依撒韻 Yawi Sayun
2008    賽夏「巫」之新面貌初探—五福宮的例子發表於當代情境中的巫師與儀式展演研討會中央研究院民族所台北‧南港Dec. 5-6, 2008 【姵妏31來信】
2002    mukiangai建和卑南巫師的儀式實踐國立清華大學人類學研究所碩士論文未出版
Week 15      5/24      宗教變遷
Carucci, Laurence M. and Lin Poyer
2002    Religious Change through History and Revitalization, in Andrew Strathern et al. Oceania: An Introduction to the Cultures and Identities of Pacific Islanders, Durham: Carolina Academic Press (pp.220-30)
Robbins, Joel
1998    Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Desire among the Urapmin of Papua New Guinea. Ethnology 37(4): 299-316.
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Yengoyan, Aram A.
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1996    The Politics of Conversion: The Case of an Aboriginal Formosa Village, Anthropos 91:425-439.
2000    「神聖」的瓦解與重建鎮西堡泰雅族人的宗教變遷國立清華大學人類學研究所碩士論文未出版
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2002        宗教過程轉宗v.s.本土化—一個排灣的案例。文化研究月刊 18.
Week 16      5/31      族群意識的生產與消費
Foster, Robert J.
1995    Print Advertisements and Nation Making in Metropolitan Papua New Guinea. In Robert Foster ed., Nation Making: Emergent Identities in Postcolonial Melanesia. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Hanson, Allan
1989    The Making of Maori: Culture Invention and it’s Logic, American Anthropologist (91): 890-902.
Linnekin, Jocelyn
1990   The Politics of Culture in the Pacific.  Cultural Identity and Ethnicity in the Pacific, in J. Linnekin and L. Poyer eds., Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
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1989    宗教儀式的傳統意義與本土抗爭阿里山鄒族戰祭Mayasvi的持續及其復振中央研究院民族學研究所集刊67:
1966        向天湖賽夏族的故事中央研究院民族學研究所集刊21:157-196
1968        賽夏族的宗教及其社會功能中央研究院民族學研究所集刊26:83-119
Week 17      6/7  課程總結
時間37, 38, 39
Week 1    2/15 課程簡介
Week 2    2/22 台灣南島民族誌文獻導覽
Week 3    3/1   南島民族的起源與擴散
Week 4    3/8   台灣殖民史與南島民族誌主要課題
Week 5    3/15 山田燒墾與魚獵生計
Week 6    3/22 世系、親屬與婚姻
Week 7    3/29 「屋社會」之一建築、聚落與地景
Week 8    4/5   「屋社會」之二成員與祭儀
Week 9    4/12 平權與階序
Week 10  4/19 禮物、寶物與商品
Week 11  4/26 性別
Week 12  5/3   記憶與敘事
Week 13  5/10 名制與國家
Week 14  5/17 巫與權力
Week 15  5/24 宗教變遷
Week 16  5/31 族群意識的生產與消費
Week 17  6/7   課程總結
Week 2 2/22      台灣南島民族誌文獻導覽
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Week 3 3/1  南島民族的起源與擴散
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Week 4 3/8  台灣殖民史與南島民族誌主要課題
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Week 5 3/15      山田燒墾與魚獵生計
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Week 6 3/22      世系、親屬與婚姻
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Week 7 3/29      「屋社會」之一建築、聚落與地景
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Week 8 4/5  「屋社會」之二成員與祭儀
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Week 9 4/12      平權與階序
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Week 10      4/19      禮物、寶物與商品
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Week 11      4/26      性別
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Week 12      5/3  記憶與敘事
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2003b      歷史與記憶之間從大關山事件談起。台大文史哲學報 59:31-64。
Week 13      5/10      名制與國家
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2005b  想像國家一個民族誌的研究。臺灣大學考古人類學刊 63:92-118
Week 14      5/17      巫與權力
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Week 15      5/24      宗教變遷
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Week 16      5/31      族群意識的生產與消費
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Week 17      6/7  課程總結
